You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.38.2

Falco v0.38.2 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Output Channels

Supported output channels for Falco Alerts

Standard Output

When configured to send alerts via standard output, a line is printed for each alert.

Here is an example:

  enabled: true
10:20:05.408091526: Warning Sensitive file opened for reading by non-trusted program (user=root command=cat /etc/shadow file=/etc/shadow)

Standard output is useful when using Fluentd or Logstash to capture logs from containers. Alerts can then be stored in Elasticsearch, and dashboards can be created to visualize the alerts. For more information, read this blog post.

Standard Output buffering

If the logs are inspected by tailing container logs (e.g. kubectl logs -f in Kubernetes) it might look like events can take a long time to appear, sometimes longer than 15 minutes. This is not an issue with Falco but is simply a side effect of the system output buffering.

However, if realtime update of these logs is necessary it can be forced with the -U/--unbuffered command line option which will ensure the output is flushed for every event at the cost of higher CPU usage.

File Output

When configured to send alerts to a file, a message is written to the file for each alert. The configuration is very similar to the Standard Output format:

  enabled: true
  keep_alive: false
  filename: ./events.txt

When the field keep_alive is set to false (default value), for each single alert:

  • the file is opened for appending
  • the single alert is written
  • the file is closed

If keep_alive is set to true, the file is opened before the first alert, and kept open for all subsequent alerts. Output is buffered and will be flushed only on close. (This can be changed with the --unbuffered command line option).

Notice that, regardless keep_alive settings, Falco neither rotates nor truncates the output file. If you'd like to use a program like logrotate to rotate the output file, an example logrotate config is available here.

As of Falco 0.10.0, Falco will close and reopen its file output when signaled with SIGUSR1. The logrotate example above depends on it.

Syslog Output

When configured to send alerts to syslog, a syslog message is sent for each alert. The actual format depends on your syslog daemon, but here's a simple configuration example:

  enabled: true

And its respective entry in the syslog service:

Jun  7 10:20:05 ubuntu falco: Sensitive file opened for reading by non-trusted program (user=root command=cat /etc/shadow file=/etc/shadow)

Program Output

When configured to send alerts to a program, Falco normally starts the program for each alert and writes its contents to the program's standard input. You can only configure a single program output (e.g. route alerts to a single program) at a time.

Here you can find an example of how to configure the program_output inside the falco.yaml file:

  enabled: true
  keep_alive: false
  program: mail -s "Falco Notification"

If the program cannot normally accept an input from standard input, xargs can be used to pass the Falco events with an argument. For example:

  enabled: true
  keep_alive: false
  program: "xargs -I {} aws --region ${region} sns publish --topic-arn ${falco_sns_arn} --message {}"

When keep_alive is set to false (default value), for each alert Falco will run the program mail -s ... and write the alert to the program. The program is run via a shell, so it's possible to specify a command pipeline if you wish to add additional formatting.

If keep_alive is set to true, before the first alert Falco will spawn the program and write the alert. The program pipe will be kept open for subsequent alerts. Output is buffered and will be flushed only on close. (This can be changed with the --unbuffered command line option).

Example 1: Posting to a Slack Incoming Webhook

If you'd like to send Falco notifications to a slack channel, here's the required configuration to massage the JSON output to a form required for the slack webhook endpoint:

# Whether to output events in json or text
json_output: true

  enabled: true
  program: "jq '{text: .output}' | curl -d @- -X POST"

Example 2: Sending Alerts to Network Channel

If you'd like to send a stream of alerts over a network connection, here's an example:

# Whether to output events in json or text
json_output: true

  enabled: true
  keep_alive: true
  program: "nc 1234"

Note the use of keep_alive: true to keep the network connection persistent.


If you'd like to send alerts to an HTTP(S) endpoint, you can use the http_output option:

json_output: true
  enabled: true
  url: http://some.url/some/path/

Currently, only unencrypted HTTP endpoints and valid HTTPS endpoints are supported (i.e., invalid or self-signed certificates are not supported).

JSON Output

For all output channels, you can switch to JSON output either in the configuration file or on the command line. For each alert, Falco will print a JSON object, on a single line, containing the following properties:

  • time: the time of the alert, in ISO8601 format.
  • rule: the rule that resulted in the alert.
  • priority: the priority of the rule that generated the alert.
  • output: the formatted output string for the alert.
  • hostname: the name of the host running Falco (can be the hostname inside the container).
  • tags: the list of tags associated with the rule.
  • output_fields: for each templated value in the output expression, the value of that field from the event that triggered the alert.

Notice that, besides the ones included automatically, you can also include additional fields to output_fields through append_output settings in the configuration.

Here's an example:

{"hostname":"falco-xczjd","output":"13:44:05.478445995: Critical A shell was spawned in a container with an attached terminal (user=root user_loginuid=-1 k8s.ns=default k8s.pod=kubecon container=ee97d9c4186f shell=sh parent=runc cmdline=sh -c clear; (bash || ash || sh) terminal=34816 container_id=ee97d9c4186f","priority":"Critical","rule":"Terminal shell in container","source":"syscall","tags":["container","mitre_execution","shell"],"time":"2023-05-25T13:44:05.478445995Z", "output_fields": {"":"ee97d9c4186f","container.image.repository":"","evt.time":1685022245478445995,"":"default","":"kubecon","proc.cmdline":"sh -c clear; (bash || ash || sh)","":"sh","proc.pname":"runc","proc.tty":34816,"user.loginuid":-1,"":"root"}}

Here's the same output, pretty-printed:

    "hostname": "falco-xczjd",
    "output": "13:44:05.478445995: Critical A shell was spawned in a container with an attached terminal (user=root user_loginuid=-1 k8s.ns=default k8s.pod=kubecon container=ee97d9c4186f shell=sh parent=runc cmdline=sh -c clear; (bash || ash || sh) terminal=34816 container_id=ee97d9c4186f",
    "priority": "Critical",
    "rule": "Terminal shell in container",
    "source": "syscall",
    "tags": [
    "time": "2023-05-25T13:44:05.478445995Z",
    "output_fields": {
        "": "ee97d9c4186f",
        "container.image.repository": "",
        "evt.time": 1685022245478445995,
        "": "default",
        "": "kubecon",
        "proc.cmdline": "sh -c clear; (bash || ash || sh)",
        "": "sh",
        "proc.pname": "runc",
        "proc.tty": 34816,
        "user.loginuid": -1,
        "": "root"

gRPC Output

If you'd like to send alerts to an external program connected via gRPC API (for example, the falco-exporter), you need to enable both the grpc and grpc_output options as described under the gRPC Configuration section.